Where To Start Reading The Bible: Uncommon Advice

Wonder where to start reading the bible? I’m just going to say it, don’t start in the middle! 

Is that too much to ask?

It’s common practice, to wonder where to start reading the bible only to be directed to the New Testament (NT). Books like, John, Romans, Acts, or any of the gospels are popular recommendations. 

Bible, coffee, and notebook, all that's left is knowing where to start reading the bible.

I get it, the birth of Christ is a big deal. Afterall, his birth, ministry, death, burial and ultimately His resurrection is the crescendo of the Christian story. All of which can be found in the 27 books of the NT.

I’ve heard things like, the NT is where you learn how to be a Christian or learn about Jesus

While those statements are mostly true starting three-quarters of the way into any story is ludacris. Change my mind.

Tell me any other book in the history of life when we’ve flipped over half way through and took off running… I’ll wait.

In the same manner, what book have we read the end to figure out who the characters were?

Better yet, share how starting at the end adequately explains the characters background, nature, strengths and weaknesses, and personification. 

Truth is, if you start anywhere else, you’re going to miss out on WHO these people really are. 

In the beginning…

Starting from the beginning makes sense.

This isn’t advice you’ll find many places but I’m here to tell you, the best place to start reading the Bible is right there in the first line of text. Genesis 1:1, In the beginning.

Honestly, the bible is similar to any other book in the way that the Old Testament (OT) sets the stage.

You’ll learn the layout of characters, get to know who they are and why they matter. God shares an overview of the more broad plan, along with examples of why and how humanity failed or succeeded preceding the final stage. 

These characters are still massively important way down the line. For instance, you’ll notice in the OT, God weaves a string of promise starting with Abraham, repeated to his son Isaac, and again to his son Jacob.

In fact, Jesus refers to himself as “The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob” a dozen times or more, which, in your journey today, thousands of years later, is still relevant. 

Even more so, you get to know Jesus on a deeper level. You can’t skip everything from the creation until thousands of years later, only to jump in blind. 

The purpose of bible study from the beginning is important.

Getting to know intimate details about who God is is essential to your life long journey with the Lord

Imagine having a best friend. we’ll can laugh and cry together. Brazenly share each other’s pain, finish sentences, know the things that make our heart crazy in joy or drown in sadness, along with which flavor of ice cream will fix it. 

It takes time and intentional effort but wouldn’t we agree, it’s worth it?

The same can be said of our Creator. Reading through the OT takes us there, deep into that bond forging fire where we’re consumed with relational bliss with Jesus.

Now, I’m not gonna lie, Leviticus and Numbers are hard books to read, they’re filled with an enormous amount of law script. It’s on the same level as reading through tax code if you ask me. 

Although, it’s necessary for context, I wouldn’t start reading the bible as a beginner in those 2 books. No need to fret, they get easier with growth and return visits. 

With that said, there are 66 books, 39 in the OT, 27 in the NT, so, my strong advice would be to start in Genesis‬ where you will find the foundation and a whole load of firsts, which is truly fascinating. 

From there, I’d recommend a Chronological read, because, the way the bible is constructed is not in order according to timeline. 

In order to lay the bible in Chronological order many books would have to be split up. Reason being, the bible was written by at least 40 authors, over a period of 1,100+ years in 3 countries, presenting countless situations. 

Witnessing the connection of human emotions revealed is powerful.

Learning how to read the bible will help with understanding.

For instance, one example is the main script of king David’s story.

It’s found in the book of Samuel, however, during his time as king he also wrote many Psalms, echoing real-time, which are sporadically recorded in the book of Psalms, among other authors. 

In 2 Samuel, chapters 16-18 David is facing turmoil with his own son trying to kill him eventually leading to the his son’s death. Hes grief-stricken as this unfolds. During this time we see he wrote, Psalms 26, 40, 58, 61, 62, and 64.

Witnessing the connection of human emotions revealed is powerful.

Essentially, the bible wasn’t put together in a chain of events style because life is like a tapestry. You can’t isolate individual stitches, they are woven and intertwined.

Anyway, reading the bible in Chronological order isn’t a make or break situation but it’s certainly a bonus if you take the time to start reading the bible in Chronological order.

The best way to read the bible is by following a reading plan.

It helps to keep us organized and accountable while providing direction. Especially with a chronological read since we’re moving back and forth. 

My advice is don’t let this cause stress. It sounds harder than it is. With good direction and trust in the Lord, success is inevitable. 

Those who seek him will find him and by my experience he is faithful. It is a written promise you can depend on. 

Taste and see that the LORD is good;

blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!

Fear the LORD, you His saints,

for those who fear Him lack nothing.

Young lions go lacking and hungry,

but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.

Come, children, listen to me;

I will teach you the fear of the LORD. Psalm 34: 8-11

Genesis is the best place to start bible study.

In short, if you want to know where to start reading the bible as a beginner or as a veteran for that matter, start from the top. Start in the book of Genesis.

When Jesus came to earth in the flesh, he started from the beginning as well. In fact, that’s all they had at the time because he was living the NT in real time, it wouldn’t be written until later. 

Don’t sell yourself short by skipping out on a depth of relationship with God that is waiting for you right now.

Having Faith Filled Foundations is a vital part of the rest of your life and the legacy you leave behind. A strong, unmovable foundation is built by opening to page one and reading, in the beginning…

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