How to Pray, According To The Bible

As a Christian prayer is essential, millions whisper into thin air day after day. We call it prayer and yet, the question pleads, how to pray, according to the bible?

Can God hear my prayers?

Will God answer my prayers?

Does praying make a difference?

Hot topic is how to pray. Read this outline that you can use for the rest of your life.

In the beginning, Adam and Eve had one on one interaction with God. Of course, the epitome of bad decision making caused a deadly shift. Although, I wouldn’t call a conversation with someone prayer, they both nurture the same result.

Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Prayer helps mature a relationship with Jesus.

As mentioned before, Adam and Eve had no need to know how to pray, according to the bible as we know it today. Nevertheless, they nurtured a relationship with God by interaction. Further in Philippians it goes onto say in verse 8: Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think on these things.

What we meditate on is important and prayer worthy. Everything starts in our mind.

If were going to pray, it’s good to know if anyone hears.

While the bible expresses that God doesn’t hear the prayers of sinners, he is listening because the gift of Salvation is bestowed upon those who ask, or in other words, those who pray.

Now we know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does His will, He hears him. John John 9:31

After being born-again, there is no reason to doubt, because God listens to the prayers of the righteous. And by righteous I mean, baptized in Jesus name believers. Our righteousness comes from Jesus not because of our own doing.

Simply put, prayer is a dialog between us and the Creator. We don’t know Jesus from Adam which is why we need to talk and learn.

Learning how to pray, according to the bible makes a difference.

Praying brings peace the same way dialing a friend would. God is there to offer care and compassion, as well as, direction and correction.

So what to do since using a smartphone isn’t reasonable.

Jesus provided a blueprint for prayer. Even though, prayer is a simple dialog, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, Jesus is God. And while he calls us friend, a level of reverence is essential.

Secondly, speaking to the invisible isn’t overlooked here. It can be awkward, although I believe with the explosion of social media content, sitting alone speaking to literally no one should seem more natural at this point.

Lastly, praying to God isn’t equivalent to summoning a genie in a bottle. It’s conversation.

We speak, He speaks.

Answers come multiple ways, audible or a still small voice. Through the bible, or other people. His responses vary through varying avenues, however, know that whatever we hear needs to line up with his word or it’s not to be trusted.

I gauge by knowing if goes against every fiber of my flesh being it’s probably Jesus, considering, Satan tends to appeal to my already prominent desires. Whereas, God, without fail, calls me out of my comfort zone.

What does prayer look like, according to the bible.

Jesus introduced a blueprint easy enough it can be done with children. Essentially, as new believers, we’re all babes anyway. But this is veteran worthy as well.

Prayer might appear complicated, especially watching leaders or prayer warriors who’ve been in the faith many years.

But, did you know prayer can be a simple one liner or hours long. There is no rule here, Jesus demonstrated both.

The power is in the name of Jesus, even so, authenticity isn’t in the words we say but the heart behind them.

My goal is to give you this how to pray, according to the bible foundation so you can learn how to pray, according to the bible by leading your heart into a place of gratitude and humility.

This model is given to us by Jesus himself and I’ve found it stirs the spirit toward more. With practice you’ll be able to pray with direction and a rightly motivated heart no matter where you are.

Quickly, I want to address what prayer is NOT.

Prayer isn’t a specific posture. It doesn’t matter the choice to sit, stand, lay prone or prostrate. Kneel or bow, fold your hands in your lap or raise them to the sky. Prayer isn’t a posture, so get relaxed.

Prayer isn’t religious. Don’t get overwhelmed with volume control.

Religious is the only strop here. Reading a prayer time after time is not genuine to what’s in the heart. That’s external rather than revealing the internal outward. Prayer should flow like a wellspring of water from the heart not with rigid repetition and regulation.

Prayer isn’t a chore. Although, in the beginning it can seem like it. Likewise, a rough season can make it seem heavy. There is no need to force prayer however, remembering that it’s relational, like with anyone close, just call up and speak with comfort.

“Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!”

How to pray, according to the bible, the foundation.

There are 7 basic fundamentals the in the Bible laid out by Jesus. If you practice using it as an outline you can fill each section in. Before you know it, you’ll be breaking out into prayers you never knew were inside you.

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.



Start by honoring the Lord. Praising him by verbalizing his holiness. In Revelation 4:8 they stood around and prayed Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God almighty.

How simple yet powerful. From experience, even when you have the hardest heart, starting with praise and honor Lord will soften your heart. Praise closes the gap between us and God. It’s beautiful and a blessing to praise his holy name.

Ways to praise God:

  • Marvelous God
  • Wonderful Counselor
  • Might God
  • Author and Finisher of my faith
  • Alpha and Omega
  • Cornerstone of my faith
  • Jesus, my loving GOd
  • Worthy Savior
  • Throne keeper
  • Your Excellence
  • Magnificent Lord
  • High Tower
  • Loving Father
  • Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.

There are many ways, names and characteristics you can use to praise and honor the Lord.

Example: Heavenly Father, my Wonderful Lord and giver of Salvation. Thank you for the God that you are, so gracious and merciful. You are Holy and worthy to be praised.


One of God’s amazing characteristics is his providence. Providence is God orchestrating natural means to an end result. It’s direct and literal work of the Lord. Even you reading this post to learn how to pray is God’s providence.

Often providence is mistaken for coincidence or ordinary. This eliminates the divine goodness of the Lord, so, in praying for provision it’s important to have an understanding that God is providing all things.

God has set processes in motion from the beginning. For instance, sperm fertilizing an egg is his providence. Your lungs inflating and sending oxygenated blood through the heart to organs, is providence. God’s Provision varies ins shape, size and frequency. Nonetheless, he is there.

Understanding, cultivates a gracious and soft heart, with many things to pray for.

Example: Lord God, you are the Bread of life, thank you for providing my husband a job to provide the necessities for our family. Thank you for the souls you’ve given us to care for during our time here on earth. Thank you for the food, warmth, and security. I pray your merciful providence continue to bless us and those in need.


If I had to pick one as the most important aspects of learning how to pray, I’d say people is. Aside from praise and honor. Jesus tells us to love God with all our, heart, soul, strength, mind, and love people.

The greatest prayer for people is Salvation. Without the gift of true Salvation, nothing else matters. No amount of provision can compensate.

So, when you pray for people make Salvation a priority followed by everything else.

Any deeper than provision and Salvation your looking at creating a prayer strategy.

Example: Jesus, I know you say no one can come to you least you draw us in. I pray [enter name] seeks you while you may still be found. Bring [name] to receive your gift of Salvation and get to know you in a close relationship so that, they may know your joy and peace. I pray you spare no cost in grabbing their attention toward you, today.


A grudge will kill your peace. It’s equivalent to drinking poison with the intention of someone else dying from it.

In fact, the Lord says if we don’t forgive others, He won’t forgive us. There’s a reason his model prayer seeks forgiveness of others first.

The freedom that comes from forgiving others is priceless, also a blessing to many. To forgive others is to stay in close relationship with God regardless of bad behavior by others.

They will be held accountable for their own actions as will you. Forgive and move on, nothing is worth holding on to.

Example: O’ God, I ask you to give me the humility and freedom to forgive those who have wronged me [enter specific person or wrongdoing]. Lord you are my strength and my vengeance. Thank you for standing on my behalf and giving me the strength to forgive them [enter specific person or wrongdoing].


As a born-again believer it’s important to live in a state of awareness and repentance. When you first learn how to pray it’s easy to get caught up in asking for a bunch of stuff. But, it’s a blessing to get in the habit of asking the Lord to reveal any sin in your life and asking forgiveness for it.

Whether it be backbiting, pride, sexual immorality, idolatry or whatnot, make it a point to ask it be revealed.

You won’t always be aware of sin, especially if it’s a habit.

Example: Lord, I want to honor you in the way I live my life. Please reveal to me any way I’ve dishonored you or engaged in sin today by myself or with others. I ask you would show me and give me a way to rectify and change my behavior to better reflect you in my heart.


There’s not much worse than sin laying at the door pounding to get in. AS if forsaking everything you ever knew isn’t hard enough, ignoring the invitation to sin is relentless. It can be discouraging.

Mind you, trials and tribulations are a normal Christian posture. Get use to it. Spiritual warfare is an abundant, New Testament way of life. But God tries your faith, He purifies you by fire. He doesn’t tempt you to sin!

There’s a big difference, therefore, praying for deliverance from temptation is crucial.

Example: My God, trust you with all my heart. I know you will test my faith. I’m aware you’ve said the road is narrow but please deliver me from temptation and the evil snares of the enemy, who’s ready and waiting to steer me away from you. Keep me near and protected under your wings of refuge.


My favorite part. After all is said, God is the final say.

The sovereign will of Jesus supersedes all things and yields no greater blessing.

In fact, the words Jesus spoke, For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.

We can pray, ask, and hope he imparts the miraculous, nevertheless, God knows what’s best for us, in a way we don’t. Nothing less than our best is in the core of our Jesus.

Even if it hurts.

I once prayed for a man, asking God to make him my husband. Today, having been married to my actual husband for so many years with 9 children, I can’t imagine being with that man. He would’ve certainly led me away from the Lord among many other negative things.

Trust in the Lord AND the process.

Example: Lord God almighty, I am in awe of you. Thank you for giving me the privilege to come to you in confidence and boldness. I trust in you Lord and pray that your will be done above all things in my life and others. You are the power and the glory, forever. Amen

Whelp, this is how to pray, according to the bible. Not as scary as it sounds. When put together each time you pray, long or short, loud or quiet, in any position you’ve got yourself a prayer. What’s most important is we’ve drawn near to the Lord and shared our heart.

Putting the LORD’S Prayer Model Into Action

Heavenly Father, my Wonderful Lord and giver of Salvation. Thank you for the God that you are, so gracious and merciful. You are Holy and worthy to be praised.

Lord God, you are the Bread of life, thank you for providing [insert name] a job to provide the necessities for our family. Thank you for the souls you’ve given us to care for during our time here on earth. I pray your merciful providence continues to bless us and those in need.

Father, I know you say no one can come to you except through Jesus. I pray [enter name] seeks you while you may still be found. Bring [name] to receive your gift of Salvation and get to know you in a close relationship so that, they may know your joy and peace.

Lord God, I ask you to give me the humility and freedom to forgive those who have wronged me [enter specific person or wrongdoing]. Lord you are my strength and my vengeance. Thank you for standing on my behalf and giving me the strength to forgive them [enter specific person or wrongdoing].

Lord, I want to honor you in the way I live my life. Please reveal to me any way I’ve dishonored you or engaged in sin today by myself or with others. I ask you would show me and give me a way to rectify and change my behavior to better reflect you in my heart.

My God, trust you with all my heart. I know you will test my faith. I’m aware you’ve said the road is narrow but please deliver me from temptation and the evil snares of the enemy, who’s ready and waiting to steer me away from you. Keep me near and protected under your wings of refuge.

Lord God almighty, I am in awe of you. Thank you for giving me the privilege to come to you in confidence and boldness. I trust in you Lord and pray that your will be done above all things in my life and others. You are the power and the glory, forever. Amen

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