What’s Faith And Why It’s Important

Stop trying to control everything. Take the risk of skimming the rocks with a knee or soaking shin deep in a cold gritty puddle. Living an abundant life demands we endure the cave with boldness.

What if I said, we’re going on a walk, get a blindfold. Faith. What’s faith and why it’s important.

Bible and tea to study what faith is and why it's important.

There’s a popular trust exercise that requires a person to close their eyes and fall backward, hoping someone will catch them is another example of faith.

It’s not complicated, honestly, it’s only difficult in the face of fear. Thing is, faith doesn’t eradicate fear, instead, having the audacity to pursue more, despite our fear generates triumph.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. Hebrews 11:1-2

Faith has a purpose.

Taking into account the definition of faith, it’s clear sight is not an element to be considered.

The foundation we have built is vital to how we respond to adversity.

Faith is knowing.

I lost my daughter at 65 days old. It was hardest fire of my life so far.

From day one the doctors would continually wrap around to what our plans were if such and such happened. Frustration swelled, because, we had accepted the reality that her life would be short while believing for the miraculous.

Yet they continued on with what we saw as negative planning.

What they were doing was helping us set boundaries and make decision while we were not yet in a desperate need for them so when the time came we knew what we wanted to do already.

Sure enough, that moment came and thankfully we had prayed and fasted fervently, with clear direction from God, so that, we were able to make split second decisions in intense moments.

God had given us a knowing ahead of time before we needed it.

Faith filled foundations matter.

In like manner, we can compare our relationship with God to building a home. He uses a parable, speaking of men who build a house upon two different elements. Rock or Sand.

Matthew 7:24-27 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

If you’ve ever graced the sand while the waves are coming in and out remember how the sand washes away from under your feet as the water pushes and pulls. It eventually erodes away leaving your feet unbalanced and sinking.

There’s no firm foundation.

Nothing trustworthy.

After all it’s sand.

In contrast, a house built on rock is stable. Regardless if water and wind present, the house stays stands firm, therefore, according to the parable, when you feel unsteady, it’s a sign something’s wrong with the foundation.

If turmoil outshines peace, there’s a foundation issue.

If the waves of affliction burn with no escape, the foundation is eroding.

If suffering causes a desire to checkout, the foundation is fallen.

Deep knowing is a profound tool.

The knowing begins with knowing who we are. Not simple the name our parents gave, but being confident in who God says we are. Our identity in Christ supersedes anything other information.

True faith is obligated to believe what Jesus says about us, because if this isn’t accurate the majority of hardship will toss us to and fro.

Nailing down our identity in Christ is priority, or risk welcoming countless soul suckers, including:

  • Lies
  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • Rebellion
  • Discontentment
  • False teachings
  • Deception
  • Addictions
  • Condemnation

Our identity is akin to a skyscraper. It’s not the building itself, stick with me here.

Jesus is the material that’s used to build the skyscraper.

He’s the concrete, rebar, and wood. As well, as the engineer, steel worker, inspector, electrician, plumber, hvac, and more.

When I walk into a skyscraper stretching many hundreds of feet, taking an elevator to the top, I don’t concern myself with whether it will perform well. I trust all the people and material that went into building it.

Jesus is our skyscraper. We are obligate to trust Him or not. The more we trust what he says, and where he leads the deep and wider our faith grows.

All the more we can face fear and misfortune with grace and dignity.

How to help on your journey.

Actionable steps to strengthen your spiritual muscles and increase your faith isn’t easy. It’s worth it, so hang in there. Use this trust acronym to help you stay on track.

TAKE NOTE– Start a journal. You’d be surprised what comes out with writing. Even better, write it with pen to paper. There’s something surreal about using the muscles and movement in handwriting. Journaling has a way of opening the floodgates.

Take the time, whether it be a few minutes or several days to write it all out. Nevertheless, keep writing until it’s all on the table. Doesn’t matter if you think it’s relevant or not. Clearing your mind is most important.

REFLECT- Table it and step back. Some issues may not seem like the end of the world once they’re on the table. On the other hand, building faith means letting God reconcile these things. Don’t try to fix it.

Instead, listen to what Jesus says about it! As a disciple of Christ there comes sacrifice. Reconciliation often requires change. If true devotion to faith is present

UNDERSTANDING-Pray and fast for wisdom and understanding. The Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Pray for understanding. Don’t get trapped by trying. Let it go. Envision letting it just fall.

There’s a stark difference in trying and surrender, what God wants is surrender. Jesus will decide what needs to be picked up and that which is left behind.

STUDY- Make bible study a priority. Aside from praying, the way to find your identity is by getting to know God. Make time to study, study, and study some more.

Plan the time like any appointment. There’s no fee for not showing up but there is a loss. The benefits of bible study are unmatched. Remember, the FAith FIlled Foundations change the whole course of life.

TAILOR- In order to glean the greatest benefits from bible study, to flourish and see real transformation is to tailor what you learn. Here’s what’s important though. Be sure you are tailoring areas in life TO the word of God and instead of attempting to use what is learned to validate what’s already there.

Ultimately, how much trust you put in God determines your faith.

True faith transforms our way of thinking by renewing the mind to think differently, leading to better and more productive behavior.  

Make a plan and stick to it. Don’t skip a day because you are that important. God thinks you are important, it’s all part of our identity.

Faith gives us the the ability to stand strong when we’d otherwise crumble under the pressure!

There is no path to stronger faith by ignoring the hard stuff.

Strong and enduring faith is possible.

The enemy came to kill, steal and destroy. Even still, life simply happens, the only way through with our sanity still intact is by faith.

Jesus is the glue that holds the pieces of a broken heart together, keeps hope buring for restoration of relationships, and peace in provision. You won’t be free without your roots firmly planted in the Rock.

There is no freedom, no peace, no legacy, without roots firmly planted in Christ.

TRUST the process to build faith DURING the trials and tribulations. Pain is going to happen, suffering is going to happen, hard times are going to happen. The question is how will we process it.

Faith is important because God never changes. Honestly, look around, Jesus is the only thing that never changes. So you can make it through the valleys by faith because Jesus is faithful, true and unchanging.

The closer you get to God through the Word, the stronger your faith becomes.

Make your faith in Christ the priority!

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