Does God Hate

I don’t mind breaking the news, God does hate, and we should be glad about it.

I know, God is love remains a favorite argument. For some reason it’s hard for people to believe a wildly loving God could or would hate anything or anyone.

Hate has a perfectly reasonable place in life. Woman ponders the question, does God hate.

At first thought, sure it sounds… unlikely. I’m here to tell you it’s not only possible, it’s a fact. 

Charles Spurgeon steals my breath with his answer, “It’s not the fact that God hated Esau but that he loved Jacob.”

You see, the fact that God hates anything isn’t hard to understand when we see our reflection clearly.

Truth is, we are a wicked people. Our hearts are so continually deceitful that it once led the Lord to repent for creating us and essentially scraped the majority to start over.

“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?

Simple explanation as to how God could hate.

Look around, watch news tv, or scroll through social media for any length of time and it’s evident why Jesus could easily hate what he sees, feels, and knows about this world and its inhabitants.

How many times have I stumbled upon a video of a child being treated badly that wrecked my heart or strangers commiting inconceivable acts of violence toward one another. If oblivion rules here, as to what the human race is capable of watch a few Dateline episodes to quickly remedy the ignorance.

There are no good people. There are people capable of decency. In reality, we’ve all done things that have hurt God’s feelings, caused disappointment, and anger. 

From the beginning, it’s been common practice to think more highly of our self as well as downplay bad behavior despite being genuinely inappropriate.  

Ever lied by admission or omission.

Taken anything that didn’t belong to me?

Spoken ill behind anyone’s back. 

Been jealous of someone else.

Treated our, children, spouse, family, strangers, co-workers, or staff, unbecoming. 

God has good reason to hate but loves anyway.

We have a natural tendency to do bad things. 

By nature we are unloving, miserable, sick with worry, impatient, unkind, harsh, bad, unloyal, and out of control. 

Which is exactly why people will say things like, “Oh, be careful praying for patience”, or “I am filled with anxiety”. 

The fruit of the flesh are unpleasant things. 

Whereas the fruit of the spirit are pleasing and come from the source, which is Jesus, including love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. 

These only become second nature by the power of the Holy Spirit working in us and a whole load of practice. 

Not the other way around. 

So if you’ve ever wondered if God hates, it’s clear why. 

According to the bible, God expresses hatred toward people.

As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. Romans 9:13

Both Esau specifically and workers of iniquity are named time after time. 

Jesus has zero tolerance for those who choose false Gods and ways of wickedness. Why? because they hurt him. They go against his very nature and what is pure. We are not the good ones in this equation.

If our own children did something awful to another child we would feel sorrow, not only for the offended but sorrow that our little creation could be so cruel.

Just because we adults doesn’t change anything. We are small in comparison to the Lord. In any case where sorrow and hatred isn’t felt, well that proves my point as well.

We should l hate what God hates which is anything that goes against his pure nature.

Why would God hate anything?

Keep one detail in mind, God is holy beyond measure. We as a people tend to close the gap by thinking we’re really not-that-bad and failing to comprehend even a fraction of holiness God is.

Therefore, the gap between us narrows considerably in our finite minds than is reality. 

God is the source of holiness. As an illustration, consider poison.

If a cup full of poison was poured in the ocean and you took a drink you’d likely not die. 

However, if you took a drink straight from the bottle you’d meet Jesus much sooner than anticipated. 

Why? Because the concentration was higher.

God is the highest concentration of holiness possible because he is where its created. He IS holiness.

All of that to say, its should be easy to understand how or why God hates. 

It’s not argument worthy. It’s fact. If there’s a resistance against this thought, I caution thinking more highly of self than is worthy.

For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. Romans 12:3

It’s a mind blown, kind of realization as to how in chocolate heaven, Jesus could ever love us so much that he’d die in our place.

Despite our inadequacy, God gives.

  • Forgive us.
  • Wash us white as snow.
  • Take away our shame.
  • Give the opportunity for eternal life.
  • Call us friend. 
  • Set a place for us at his Kings table.
  • Adopt us as his child.
  • Call us the apple of His eye. 
  • Bless us mightily.  
  • Lead us in love.
  • Give us peace that surpasses understanding.
  • Provide wisdom.
  • Increase our faith.
  • Walk with us. 
  • Never leave nor forsake us.
  • Be a lamp to our feet.

The list could go on.

It’ not just people, it’s unacceptable behavior that drives hatred.

Workers of iniquity, meaning those who practice doing wrong and don’t feel there is a need for change.

Those who walk away and reject God as the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS.

Proverbs 6: 16-19 is clear about actions that God hates.

These six things the Lord hates,

Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:

  • A proud look,
  • A lying tongue,
  • Hands that shed innocent blood,
  • A heart that devises wicked plans,
  • Feet that are swift in running to evil,
  • A false witness who speaks lies,
  • And one who sows discord among brethren.

This is a prime example of why starting read the bible in the Old Testament is vital to proper growth. We get to know who GOd is and what he likes and dislikes. In this case we find out what God hates.

I would be devastated if my children did these things. Undoubtedly, if they haven’t already committed at least one these acts they will. Let’s be real, with 9 children, the potential for causing discord amongst each other, having a lying tongue, or a proud look isn’t far fetched.

That’s why they need our teaching and right training in the way they should go. Creating a legacy pleasing unto the Lord doesn’t happen by accident.

We all need to be taught how to become great.

Yes, God hates. embrace it and learn to marvel in the fact that he loves anyway. God is there for us. He is faithful to finish the work he started to those who are called according to His purpose.

Fall in love with Jesus!

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